Wild Rice with Mushrooms & Cashews

Raw wild rice

Raw wild rice

by Cat, Nov 2007, updated Nov 2013 (photo, right, from Wikimedia Commons)

I’ve been going through food sensitivity testing and treatment (NAET acupuncture method) for several years, and one of the basic foods that gives me recurring issues is brown rice. I used to eat a lot of it (at least 3 nights a week), but now very seldom. When I want rice with a particular main course, I make wild rice. And this version, with cashews, is my favorite.

This recipe uses the long cooking method for wild rice, but if you want to use the soaking method, I provide a note on how to adapt the recipe. Both methods break down the phytates in the grain that would otherwise bind the minerals and prevent you from absorbing them. Most packages of wild rice do not provide this kind of instruction.

See also: 1Steamed Wild Rice; 2. Wild Rice, Cashew, Mushroom Stuffing (for poultry); 3. Sides & Condiments Menu for more wild rice recipes

Wild Rice with Cashews

This recipe, adapted from Best of Friends, Etc., by Darlene Glantz Skees (2), makes a lot of wild rice (8 – 10 generous servings).  If you are not serving a large party, you can refrigerate or freeze the extra in sealed plastic bags for later use, or see Ingredients for 2 servings, below.

While it is not pre-soaked, it is cooked three times, which is nearly as good. I like the addition of mushrooms and cashews, but this is optional.  Of course, you could pre-soak it, then start with step 3.

Ingredients and equipment:

  • For 8 servings:
  • 2 cups wild rice (uncooked)
  • filtered water
  • 1 tsp Unrefined sea salt, or to taste
  •  ½ cup cashew pieces, (preferably presoaked & dried)
  • 2 Tbsp to ⅓ cup real butter (use larger amount if you plan to add mushrooms)
    • Optional:
    • 2 cups sliced fresh mushrooms
    • 1 – 2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley (or 1 tsp dried)
    • 1 tsp thyme (or to taste; optional)
  • For 2 servings:
  • ½ cup uncooked wild rice
  •  ¼ tsp Unrefined sea salt
  • 2 Tbsp cashew pieces, (preferably presoaked & dried)
  •  ½ Tbsp  to 2 Tbsp real butter (use larger amount if you plan to add mushrooms)
    • Optional:
    •  ½ cup sliced fresh mushrooms
    • 1 tsp chopped fresh parsley (or ¼ tsp dried)
    •  ¼ tsp thyme (or to taste; optional)
  • Equipment
  • heavy 2 or 3 quart saucepan, saucier, or flameproof casserole (smaller saucepan or casserole can be used for 2 servings)
  • steel simmer plate


NOTE:  If you pre-soaked your rice for at least 7 hours, skip steps 1 – 2.  Don’t drain off the soaking liquid; add more water (in step 3) only if needed to cover rice.

  1. Wash rice thoroughly and place in large saucepan. Cover with cold, filtered water and bring to a boil over medium heat.  Drain.
  2. Repeat this procedure once more.  Many of the seeds will have cracked open slightly.
  3. Cover with cold, filtered water a third time; bring to boil, then reduce heat to lowest possible setting (use simmer plate if necessary).  Add salt, and steam for 45 minutes.  Check for tenderness.  All of the wild rice seeds should have cracked open fully, making a fluffy rice.  Add more water if necessary, if rice needs to cook longer. Add cashews and toss with at least 2 Tbsp butter (1½ tsp butter if making 2 servings), and serve.
  4. If adding optional ingredients: sauté the mushrooms with thyme in larger amount of butter; pour over rice, add  parsley, and toss.  Pour into serving dish.


  1. Nourishing Traditions, by Sally Fallon with Mary G. Enig
  2. Best of Friends, Etc., by Darlene Glantz Skees

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