Roasted Fennel

Fennel bulbs

Fennel bulbs

By Cat, Nov 2008 (Photo, right, from Wikimedia Commons)

See also: 1. Sides & Accompaniments Menu2. Fennel or Finnochio (About)

This is a very versatile vegetable and herb.  Most parts of the plant are edible, including: leaves, stems (bulbs), seeds, and flowers; all have a licorice flavor.

This recipe makes a good accompaniment to meats, or can be used as the basis for a pasta sauce.

Roasted Fennel

This simple recipe is adapted from Henrietta’s Herbal (1)


Ingredients & Equipment:


  1. Preheat oven to 450°F.
  2. Trim fennel bulb, saving stalks and feathery tips for another use.  Cut bulbs (vertically) in thick wedges, and place in a baking dish.
  3. Pour olive oil over and stir until well-coated. Season well with salt.
  4. Bake 10-15 minutes, depending on size of the wedges, or until fennel is slightly softened and brown around the edges.


  1. Henrietta’s Herbal recipe (

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