Preparing Chicken (or other) Cutlets

by Cat, Oct 2007

See also: Brining ChickenBrining PoultryBrining Pork

You can find my chicken cutlet recipes, as well as links to cutlet recipes on other sites, on the Poultry & Fowl Main Course Menu, under Chicken Cutlets.

Chicken cutlets are made from breast meat, sliced or pounded thin.  While you can buy them skinless and boneless, ready to use, I prefer to brine the whole breast before pounding into cutlets.

This same method can also be used for other meats such as veal, pork, lamb, beef, and some game; however, the brine time may be different.

This method is also available as a sidebar in cutlet recipes.

  1. Start with halved breasts (or other meat).
  2. Brine the breasts for 30 minutes.  Rinse and pat dry.  If using bone-in, skin-on meat, remove after brining. Reserve bones for making stock at another time.
  3. Butterfly meat if it is quite thick (like a chicken breast) and pound lightly into cutlets.  Many recipes suggest pounding the meat between sheets of plastic wrap, but I don’t like to use plastic, especially with food. You can use parchment or waxed paper, or pound without a cover.
  4. Alternately, you can cut the breast meat crosswise, at an angle, into 1/2 – 3/4 inch slices, after brining.

I like to dust them with flour or other starch, then lightly pepper them, before sautéing. Or if making ‘chicken-fried’ cutlets, dip in egg & milk, then dredge in the flour/starch.


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