Category Archives: Poultry

Rich Brown Gravy (from Dark Roux)

by Cat, November 2011 (photo, right, from Wikimedia Commons) See also:  Roasting a Bird; Turkey Croquettes (2 versions); Sherry-Mushroom Gravy According to Wikipedia, “Gravy is a sauce, made often from the juices that run naturally from meat or vegetables during cooking” Making gravy is an art.  So … Continue reading

Posted in Alcohol, Dairy, Eggs, Fat or oil, Grain, Herbs, Poultry, Root Veggie, Simmered, Stock, broth | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Turkey Leftovers: Tetrazzini

by Cat, Nov 2011 (Photo, right, from Wikimedia Commons) See also: Roasting a Bird; Turkey Croquettes (2 versions); Rick Brown Gravy (from Dark Roux); Sherry-Mushroom Gravy What to do with all those leftovers from a roast turkey, chicken or other large poultry? My favorites are … Continue reading

Posted in Alcohol, Baked, Dairy, Fungi, Grain, Pasta, Poultry, Root Veggie, Stock, broth | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Turkey Leftovers: Croquettes

by Cat, Nov 2011 (Photo, right, from Wikimedia Commons) See also: Roasting a Bird; Turkey Tetrazzini; Rick Brown Gravy (from Dark Roux) What to do with all those leftovers from a roast turkey or other large poultry? My favorites are Croquettes, Tetrazzini, and Hot … Continue reading

Posted in Baked, Dairy, Eggs, Fat or oil, Fried, Grain, Herbs, Poultry, Root Veggie, Spices | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Roasting a Bird

by Cat, Jan 2009 (Photo, right, from Wikimedia Commons) This article discusses the following topics: Planning Ahead; Prep; Brining; Duck & Goose Fat; Stuffing; Trussing; Roasting; Gravy or au jus; and Carving. I seldom roast a turkey, mainly because it’s just too big for one or two people.  I prefer capons … Continue reading

Posted in Brined, Poultry, Roasted, Stuffed | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Brining Poultry

by Cat, Jan 2009 (Photo, right, from Wikimedia Commons) This article, excerpted from my original article on Roasting a Bird (About), is for all types of poultry, including chicken. The bird can be whole, butterflied or cut into pieces. Includes: 1. Notes about … Continue reading

Posted in Brined, Herbs, Poultry, Spices, Sweetener | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Brining (About)

by Cat, Sept 2007, updated Dec 2014 for salt amounts in brine (photo, right, by Cat) This post was formerly titled “Brining Chicken,” but most references to brining chicken have been moved to Brining Poultry. Brining meats helps the meat … Continue reading

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Chicken Stock/Bone Broth or Broth

by Cat, Sept 2007 (Photo, right, from Daily Unadventurous blog (4)) Chicken stock is one of the most versatile things in my kitchen. It makes great soups such as chicken noodle or chicken dumpling, or sauces such as that for … Continue reading

Posted in Leafy Veggie, Poultry, Root Veggie, Simmered | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Chicken or Game Hen Normande (with Apples, Brandy & Cream)

by Cat, October 2013 (Photo from Wikimedia Commons) See also: Brining Chicken; Chicken Cutlets with Apples in Cider Sauce This is one of the first recipes I “invented.”  In the 1970s,  I was going through my French period: reading French literature, learning to … Continue reading

Posted in Braised, Dairy, Fruit, Game, Poultry | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Cornish Game Hens, Grouse, Pheasant & Other Small Fowl

by Cat, June 2011 (photo from Wikimedia Commons) Just about any chicken recipe can be adapted for Cornish Game Hens, Pheasant, or Grouse. Some of my recipes include my adaptation for game hen. One whole 3 – 4 pound chicken or … Continue reading

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