by Cat, October 2013 (Photo, right, by Cat)
One of the best ways to preserve fruits and vegetables is to dehydrate them – and then store them properly. Back in September, 2010, Essential Stuff Project (for which I am the editor of our website), hosted a panel presentation on Canning & Dehydrating. See Gathering Summary: Canning & Dehydrating Panel. For a complete summary of this event, see the pdf file: Complete Gathering Summary: Canning & Dehydrating Panel.
I do not have a dehydrator, but I do have a vintage 1949 chrome-top 38-inch O’Keefe and Merritt gas range with pilot lights (see photo, above), so my oven maintains a good temperature for dehydrating, when the oven is turned off. This range was brand new when my parents finished building our house, which is my home today.
I’d like to have some dehydrating racks built to fit in the oven, so that I can try my hand at dehydrating.