This list is from an ebook by Jason Prall ( See his eBook (pdf) for the benefits of each herb; for some, I’ve added benefits of interest to me, in parenthesis. I may add more information about each, as I learn more.
I’ve saved my copy: HEALTH-NUTRITION / 2 PODCASTS-ARTICLES / eBooks > Herbs-Top26-ebook_092321.pdf
- Triphala [I’ve been taking this for years]
- Neem
- Cascara Sagrada [I’ve taken this on/off over the years]
- Cats Claw
- Pacific Yew
- Hyssop
- Noni
- Soursop/Granviola
- Nettle
- Guduchi
- Guggul
- Gotu Kola (for memory and more)
- Ashwagandha (Adaptogen) [I take this for anxiety issues]
- Manjistha
- Kutki
- Shatavari (for liver and more)
- Tulsi [Adaptogen; I drink Tulsi tea off and on]
- Ajwain
- Cardamom [my fav spice]
- Fenugreek seed [balance blood sugar and more; I’ve added it to my daily smoothie, on and off over the years]
- Cumin [another spice I use frequently]
- Coriander seed [another spice I use frequently]
- Fennel seed [another spice I use frequently]
- He Shou Wu
- Rehmannia root
- Valerian root (for anxiety)
Here are some other supplements that many do not take:
- Vitamin D (the sunshine vitamin) from ChrisBeatCancer ( I have an allergy to the sun’s rays, so I get my vitamin D from supplemental Vitamin D3, and from Blue Ice’s Fermented Cod Liver Oil, which is rich in both vitamins A and D.