By Cat, December 2017 (Photo, right converted from png file on Wikimedia Commons)
This recipe is from Mercola (1); I’ve not made any changes. He notes that lavender oil is best for clothing because it should not stain (unlike lemon and many other oils), but it is always best to do a spot test first. It contains none of the toxic ingredients in cleaning, laundry and deodorizing products.
Mercola notes, “Eucalyptus and lavender both contain a number of purifying compounds, and colloidal silver has powerful antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties,” especially against antibiotic resistant bacteria. (1)
- 1 cup water
- 6 droppersfull (½ Tbsp) colloidal silver
- 40 drops (½ tsp) lavender essential oil
- 40 drops (½ tsp) eucalyptus essential oil
- Fil 1-cup measuring cup with filtered water. Add colloidal silver by droppers full. Add essential oil by individual drops (gently shake upside-down bottle to release each drop).
- Transfer to a bottle or spray bottle. Shake gently before each use.
I’ve not yet tried this.